温柔且干净的励志文案|趁现在 别让以后的自己后悔

天越黑 星星越亮 放平心态 偷偷厉害 知足且坚定 温柔且上进.

The darker the sky, the brighter the stars, the flatter the mind, the more contented and firm, the gentler and progressive.

努力且上进 自律且自由 要及时清醒也要事事如意 任何值得拥有的也值得期待.

Work hard and be self-disciplined and free to stay awake and to do everything you want. Anything worth having is worth waiting for.

第二名意味着是头号输家 你见过凌晨四点的洛杉矶吗?不走心的努力都是在敷衍自己.

Second place means number one loser. Have you ever seen Los Angeles at four in the morning? Don't go to the heart of the efforts are in a perfunctory.

前路浩浩荡荡 万事皆可等待 不要让你的梦想只剩下梦和想 努力只能及格 拼命才会优秀.

Don't let your dreams only dream and want to work hard can only pass desperately will be excellent.

各自努力 最高处见 万一努力的尽头是你呢?先努力优秀在大方拥有.

What if the end of your effort is you? First try to be good in generous.

当你在夜晚孤军奋战时 漫天星光为你而闪烁.

Stars shine for you when you stand alone at night.

趁现在 别让以后的自己后悔.

Don't let yourself regret now.

真没什么熬不过去的,抬头看啊 那片星空为你而亮.

Really nothing can not endure the past, look up ah the piece of starry sky for you and bright.

叫醒你的不是闹钟 是你的梦想.

It's not your alarm clock that wakes you up, it's your dream.