
所有曾经走过的道路 最终都在形成我们

All the roads we have gone through are finally forming us

其实再次相逢还是会心动 但这次我不说

In fact, meeting again will be exciting, but this time I won't sa


People have to exhaust all the good will to die


The relationship between pain and happiness should end earlier

这世界太嘈杂 周边都是假话

The world is so noisy that there are lies all around.

没有人可以回到过去 但随时可以重新开始

No one can go back to the past, but start over at any time.

都在用不同的方式长大 谁也没轻轻松松

They are all growing up in different ways, no one is easy


May we shine when we don't see each other

像失望和委屈这种东西 藏在心里就好了

Such things as disappointment and grievance should be kept in min

没人会等你 风生水起靠自己

No one will wait for you. You're on your own

不被发现的心意 永远是无疾而终的悲剧

A mind that is not found is always a tragedy that ends in nothing

你已经不是小孩子了 撑不住的时候也不能哭

You are no longer a child. You can't cry when you can't hold on


Let it be, it's just a consolation.

谁心里没故事 只是学会了克制

Who has no story in mind, just Just learned to be restrained.

很遗憾 有些事只有你一个人在遗憾

It's a pity that you are the only one who regrets some things

别再打扰不回你消息的人了 不合适就是不合适

Don't disturb the people who can't get back to you, Inappropriate