


此時就是你生命中那些一直以來灰色的事物,將要變得清晰之時。雖然仇敵試圖用疑惑之雲遮蔽你,但我正在給你滿有權柄之口來致使這雲消散。這雲正在被除去。這個季節,你將要行走在恩膏裡 - 而非只是守望等候恩膏。

此時就是要行走在我的恩膏與榮耀裡 - 而非只是尋求它。因為雖然你一直定睛凝視來看我的榮耀,當我的榮耀往前移進時你也一直定睛凝視來運作,現在你將開始以新的方式行走尾隨我的榮耀,而且是透過你的雙腳釋放我的榮耀。

你沒有意識到你是這個季節的榮耀攜帶者,而我正在重新定位我的榮耀,並且我正在重新定位我的(榮耀)攜帶者。你將不再會是一個黑洞 - 我倒進來、你卻倒出去的黑洞。你會攜帶我的榮耀,而當你釋放我的榮耀,它會導致一場爆炸性的改變。


我跟你說 - 「現在看你的雙腳,因為你們中的許多人說過‘我正在經歷一個艱難的時刻站立著’。但是我說‘我正在供給能量往下直通你的雙腳,因此你會再次站立。’ 所以喚醒你的靈,在你以為你無法再次站立的時候,允讓我給你力量來站立。」



這個月是關乎潔淨你的身體,將所有你需要從你身上清理掉的事物清理出去,因而那顆純淨的心能夠看得清楚。我宣告 - 這個月你的異象會變得精細。我宣告 - 這個月你會看見你從未看見過的。我宣告 - 這個月,你正在移進到一個成熟之地;那些你在其它的十年所經歷過的,你正在成熟起來,並且會在情感與屬靈權能的領域不一樣地行走。

Chuck Pierce & GZI team:A Time to Gain Clarity and Carry the Glory!

This is a time when that which has been gray will become clear in your life. Though the enemy has tried to veil you with a cloud of confusion, I am giving you a mouth full of authority to cause the cloud to disperse. The cloud is being removed. You are going to walk in anointing this season—not just watch for anointing.

This is a time to walk in My anointing and glory—not just look for it. For though you have been peering to see My glory and you’ve been peering to operate as My glory moves forward, now you will begin to walk after My glory in a new way and it will be through your feet that My glory will be released.

You are not aware that you are a glory carrier for this season, and I am repositioning My glory and I am repositioning My carriers. You will no longer be a black hole where I have poured things in and you have poured things out into black holes. You will carry My glory and when you release My glory it will cause an explosive change.

Awaken! Arise! What has tried to cover and put you to sleep, the veil has now been removed. Now your eyes and ears are open. You have stepped into a new place. So awaken! Arise! Move forward in a new way. The door to your past is closed. Now I open a new door. Step forward now. Do not delay, for this is a strategic and important time. This is a time that you cannot delay. It is time for My people to step forward in a new way. So awaken, and arise, and hear the direction of the Spirit of the Lord.

And I say to you - 「Look at your feet now, for many of you have said ‘I am having a hard time standing’. But I say ‘I am energizing down through your feet, so you will stand again.’ So awaken your spirit, and allow Me to give you strength to stand when you thought you couldn’t stand again.」

The seeds of yesterday that has been sown that has been forgotten, I am coming as the tip of the ploughshare to dig at the fallow ground of yesterday. You will see an inheritance, and you will see a release, but you see a fruit that has been forgotten brought forth to maturity this year. Even right now as I begin to shake up and plow, do not be dismayed or distraught, but be excited. Because behind My footprint in the ground, you will see the saplings spring forth daily. It will be a day of freedom of debt this year in a way that you’ve least expected it.

I have come as your kinsman redeemer. I am going to redeem everything that the enemy thought that he had locked up that he thought was impossible to redeem. You have seen a measure of redemption, but you have not seen the fullness that you know in your heart that the kinsman redeemer has for you. I have come, this that I am redeeming will be more than what you have lost. This is your season of great increase and multiplication. Even as He spoke to Abraham 「As far as you can see, that’s what I am going to give to you」. God says, 「I am opening your eyes, as far as you can see from the east, west, north and south, it shall be yours」. For the kinsman redeemer has arrived to release unto you what was promised so many years ago.

This month is about cleansing your body, getting all of the stuff out of you that you need to get out of you, so the pure heart can see clearly. I decree - this month your vision will be refined. I decree that this month you will see things that you have never seen before. I decree that this month, you are moving into a place of maturity; and what you have gone through in other decades, you are maturing and will walk differently in your emotions and in your spiritual power.